Face Lift Surgery

wonderful plastic surgery hospital in korea face lift information

Face Lifting

Wonderful Plastic Surgery's Face Lifting surgery tightens and lifts sagging facial skin for a more youthful appearance.


wonderful plastic surgery hospital in korea benefits of face lift

Recommended For

I have sagging skin and wrinkles on their face and want to improve their overall appearance

I have lost facial volume due to aging, weight loss, or other factors, and wish to restore it through a face-lift

I have excess skin or fat in the neck area, causing a double chin or turkey wattle appearance

I want to improve my confidence and self-esteem by enhancing my facial features and achieving a more youthful appearance

I have undergone significant weight loss and want to remove any excess skin or tissue from their face and neck

Surgery Method

Face Lift Incision methods are customized for each patient.

The incision method for facelift surgery is determined based on individual factors such as the position of the person's platysma muscle, skin thickness. Our doctors will examine and determine the most appropriate method.

wonderful plastic surgery hospital in korea face lift surgery method step 1


Design the Face Lift Surgery Incision line.

wonderful plastic surgery hospital in korea face lift surgery method step 2


Dual plane dissection & Fixation of SMAS by pulling it upward.

wonderful plastic surgery hospital in korea face lift surgery method step 3


Removal of excess skin.

wonderful plastic surgery hospital in korea face lift surgery method step 4


Closure of the incision site.

Surgery Information

Surgery time

3~6 hours



Stitch Removal

After 7 days


Not required

Recovery Time

1 month

Common side effects such as bleeding and infection may occur post surgery and varies according to each patient.

Face Lift Surgery FAQs

The ideal age for a Face Lift surgery is generally in the range of 40-60 years, but it may vary depending on individual factors such as skin elasticity and overall health.

The recovery period varies from person to person, but it usually takes around 2-4 weeks to fully recover from a Face Lift surgery.

As with any surgery, there are some risks and potential complications associated with Face Lift surgery, including bleeding, infection, scarring, and nerve damage.

However, these risks can be minimized by choosing an experienced and skilled surgeon.

While the results of a Face Lift surgery can last for several years, they are not permanent.

Over time, the effects of aging will gradually reappear, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle can help prolong the results.

Yes, a Face Lift surgery can be combined with other cosmetic procedures such as eyelid surgery, brow lift, or chin augmentation, depending on the individual’s goals and needs.

However, it is important to discuss all options with your surgeon to determine the best approach for your specific case.

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