Breast Augmentation in Korea: Top 5 Things You Need to Know

Breast augmentation surgery, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a popular cosmetic surgery procedure that involves increasing the size, shape, or fullness of the breasts. This procedure is one of the most common plastic surgeries in Korea, with many international patients travelling to Korea to have their breast augmentation performed.

Breast augmentation is a personal decision, and it is essential to have all the information you need to make an informed decision.

In this blog post, we will discuss everything you need to know about breast augmentation in Korea, including the types of breast implants available, the procedure itself, and the recovery process. We will also address some of the frequently asked questions about breast augmentation in Korea.

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Types of Breast Implants

There are two main types of breast implants available for breast augmentation surgery: saline and silicone. Saline implants are filled with sterile saltwater, while silicone implants are filled with a silicone gel.

Silicone implants are the most popular type of breast implant used in Korea due to their natural look and feel. The silicone gel in these implants closely resembles the texture of natural breast tissue, making them more natural-looking than saline implants.

Read more about the differences between breast implants in Korea in our Implant blogpost here!


The Procedure

Before the procedure, patients will have a consultation with their surgeon to discuss their goals and expectations for the surgery. During this consultation, the surgeon will also determine the best type and size of implant to use based on the patient’s body type and breast anatomy.

The breast augmentation surgery typically takes 1-2 hours to perform and is usually done under general anesthesia. During the procedure, the surgeon will make an incision either under the breast, around the nipple, or in the armpit. The implant is then placed either above or below the chest muscle, depending on the patient’s preference and the surgeon’s recommendation.

There are different techniques for placing the implant, including the inframammary incision, periareolar incision, and transaxillary incision. The choice of technique will depend on the patient’s anatomy, the type of implant used, and the surgeon’s preference.

After the implant is placed, the incision is closed with sutures or surgical tape. Patients are usually able to return home on the same day as the surgery.


Recovery Process

The recovery process after breast augmentation surgery in Korea usually takes about 2-4 weeks. During this time, patients should avoid strenuous activity and heavy lifting. They should also wear a compression garment to help reduce swelling and support the breasts.

Patients may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising for the first few days after surgery. Pain medication can be prescribed to help manage any discomfort. Patients should also avoid sleeping on their stomach for the first few weeks after surgery.

After the first week, patients can begin light exercise such as walking. However, they should avoid any exercise that involves the chest muscles or upper body for the first month after surgery.

It is crucial to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and monitor any potential complications.

It is important to note that breast implants are not lifetime devices and may need to be replaced or removed at some point in the future. The lifespan of breast implants can vary depending on the type of implant, age of the implant, and other factors.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How much does breast augmentation surgery cost in Korea?

The cost of breast augmentation surgery in Korea varies depending on the surgeon, the type of implant used, and other factors. On average, the cost of breast augmentation surgery in Korea ranges from $5,000 to $10,000.

How long do breast implants last?

Breast implants are not considered lifetime devices and will eventually need to be replaced. The lifespan of breast implants varies, but most implants last between 10-15 years.

Will breast augmentation surgery affect my ability to breastfeed?

Breast augmentation surgery should not affect a woman’s ability to breastfeed, but it may reduce milk production in some women. It is important to discuss any concerns about breastfeeding with your surgeon before the surgery.

Can I choose the size and shape of my breast implants?

Yes, patients can choose the size and shape of their breast implants. During the consultation, the surgeon will discuss the patient’s goals and recommend the best size and shape of implant based on their body type and breast anatomy.

What are the risks and complications associated with breast augmentation surgery?

As with any surgery, there are risks and potential complications associated with breast augmentation surgery. These may include bleeding, infection, scarring, implant rupture, implant displacement, and changes in nipple or breast sensation. It is important to discuss these risks with your surgeon during your consultation.

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Breast augmentation surgery is a personal decision, and it is important to have all the information you need to make an informed decision. In Korea, breast augmentation surgery is a popular cosmetic procedure, with many international patients travelling to Korea to have their breast augmentation performed.

During your consultation with your surgeon, you will discuss the different types of breast implants available and the best implant for you based on your body type and breast anatomy. You will also discuss the surgical technique and the risks and potential complications associated with the procedure.

After the procedure, it is important to follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions and attend all follow-up appointments to ensure proper healing and monitor any potential complications. With proper care and attention, breast augmentation surgery can provide you with the enhanced breasts you desire.

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